A & A Auto Services Thatch
Company Name: A & A Auto Services Thatch
Status: Active
State: Illinois
Post: 60618-1314
County: Cook
City: Chicago
Address: 3104 West Montrose Avenue
Phone: (773)539-6300
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Pat Nguyen
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 7538 Industry group: Auto repair services & parking, Business category: General automotive repair shops
Employees: 1
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 117300
Overall: A & A Auto Services Thatch is a business categorized under general automotive repair shops, which is part of the larger category auto repair services & parking. A & A Auto Services Thatch is located at the address 3104 West Montrose Avenue in Chicago, Illinois 60618-1314. The Owner is Pat Nguyen who can be contacted at (773)539-6300.
Description: Auto Repair, General Automotive Repair Shops
Working hours: Mon: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm, Tue: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm, Wed: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm, Thu: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm, Fri: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm, Sat: 08:00 am - 03:00 pm, Sun: Closed
- Auto repair shop
In summary:
- Great work and great prices.
- Our most trusted mechanic.... very good in service and price...
- They have gained a life long customer!
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Click here add new review about: A & A Auto Services Thatch (Auto repair services)
Name: M.
Message: Been coming here for years and the quality of the service here is fantastic. Very professional and good work with all of my repairs and checks on my car in general. Won't scam you to buy expensive parts. The owner, tells you exactly what the problem is, gives you options of what he can do to fix it, tells you what parts he can order to fix what's needed and tells you the price of those parts firsthand, and will give you an approximate amount time of when he will finish fixing it.
Name: H.V.
Message: Been going here for 20+ years. Great job and always reasonable price.
Name: U.I.
Message: Brought all my cars here. Always had it taken care of. Owner is super honest, always letting me know when it’s needed and not. Will continue to do so. Always a good job all around.
Name: C.G.
Message: This is the most honest mechanic you'll ever find and they do excellent work. Absolutely reasonable pricing. I've gone to Thack for 20yrs, and I'm always happy with the customer service, and work that they do.
Name: J.J.
Message: Great customer service and a happy car are priority. Thatch is the shop owner. The philosophy I've experienced from him since 2003 is simple: identify the problem, be honest and upfront by showing the problem, communicate costs, fix the issue right the first time, charge a fair price without surprises, stand behind the work done to ensure the customer is happy. Mechanics and shops like this are rare, but so refreshing to know his exists.. My first experience in 2003 was AFTER a GM dealership claimed there wasn't a part available "in the entire country and would require a special" blah blah blah to cost over $1, 400 for repairs - the GM dealership now out of business still managed to charge me $250 for a shady repair.. Then I found Thatch's shop. He not only found the part the same day, he charged me $240 for parts and labor! He won me over and has been my trusted mechanic ever since.. Year after year Thatch's philosophy is constant. My appreciation for him, his work, his mechanics and his shop are endless. I trust my car repairs to no other shop and highly recommend Thatch's A&A Auto Services to everyone I know, and now to you via Google.
Name: T.P.
Message: I have had all of the work on my car over the past year done by A &A. Fair prices, excellent turn-around time, and honesty are rare qualities in a mechanic, but this place has them all! I have never been disappointed with their work. They tell me what is absolutely necessary to fix, and what can wait a bit. This recent college grad is extremely thankful for their understanding of a tight budget. They have gained a life long customer!